About us

About our company, our philosophy and the history of the creation of Orsys restaurant software.

Our Story

Our company has been serving catering establishments and restaurants since 2015. In the beginning, we dealt with restaurant websites, applications, ordering interfaces and marketing. At that time, the main goal of our 2-person company was fair and high-quality service to all of the restaurants. Even back then, we considered honesty a core value. That's when the time came for us to find the service with which we can really initiate progress on a daily basis.

The idea of ​​the hospitality software came to us through many conversations, as we were already in constant contact with our hospitality partners. They indicated to us that the participants in this market were very behind, mostly only software from the 90s and 2000s, which did not develop along with the market needs. In 2019, we launched the first MVP version of Orsys Restaurant Software. Since then, we have been developing, improving and supplementing our software in cooperation with our partners.

What are we different in?

The main distinguishing feature of our company is its attitude, honesty and desire to improve. We never see our partners as wallets, but as important pillars. We maintain good relations with all our customers, listen to them and serve their requests to the best of our ability. We have defined these human qualities as the core value of our company, so all our employees know what we expect from them.

Our philosophy

The core values set out here guide our company and guide us through good and difficult times.

Honesty and fairness

Honesty and fairness are very important to our founders and our company. In the long run, the goals can only be achieved with the right attitude.


All the Company's services reflect this philosophy. We consider the attitude of "constantly being a beginner" important, which allows us to notice the change and not to be presumptuous. Yes, everyone can have a good idea and it is important to us that all employees and partners participate in the life of the company.

One team, one goal

We are in this boat together, we row together, we cry and laugh together. in the long term, change can only be created with win-win opportunities.

Learning and development

The direction is given. To always be a little better, to move forward and develop. This is what we expect from ourselves and our colleagues. The entire company is built on this core philosophy. We don't tell you how something should work, but the experts, owners and hospitality managers in the market.


It takes just as much energy to be grumpy, indifferent, or even a jerk as it is to be kind. So why not always be kind? It not only makes our lives better, but also those around us. Let's listen to each other and care for each other.

Recognition that is important to us

As we move towards the future, we think it's important to reflect a little on the past and what we're really proud of. We would like to dedicate this short section to this.

  • More than 20 restaurant partners have already assisted in the design and development of our software, and this number is constantly growing.
  • We are proud of the fact that not even one catering unit has terminated its cooperation with us due to the quality of our services.
  • We have dozens of partners with whom we keep in touch on a weekly basis and are already more than partners.